Topics How to add a new item to the list?
How to remove an item from the list?
How to mark an item as checked?
How to restore an item that has been marked as checked?
How to change the order of the items?
How to remove all the checked items at once?
I have a suggestion or a question that is not answered here.
How to add a new item to the list? You can add a new item to the "Shopping list" by typing its name at the text box on the top of the screen and then press enter on the keyboard or the + (plus) button next to the text box. The item will be added to the top of your "Shopping list".


How to remove an item from the list? In order to remove a single item from the list you just have to swipe your finger to the left over the item you wish to remove and a confirmation will appear. Tap the "Remove" button and the item will be removed from the list. This works for both the items on your shopping list as well for the items already on your basket.
If you want to remove all the items or the items already on your basket please read the following topic:
How to remove all the checked items at once?


How to mark an item as checked? As you are shopping you may want to identify the items that you already have in your basket, in order to do that you just need to tap on the item and it wil be moved to top of the "Already in the basket list".


How to restore an item that has been marked as checked? If you tapped an item accidentally and want to restore it to the "Shopping list" you should swipe your finger to the left over the item and tap the "Restore" button. The item will be moved to the top of your "Shopping list".


How to change the order of the items? Press the "Sort" button at the bottom right of the screen then use the reorder area next to each item to move them on the list. When you're done press the OK button.


How to remove all the checked items at once? You can remove all the items at once by tapping on the trash can on the bottom left corner of the screen. If you also have items in the "Already in the basket" list then you can choose to remove only those items or all the items.


I have a suggestion or a question that is not answered here. If you have a suggestion, comment or a question that is not answered here feel free to mail me.